Attend Strand Book Store Events from Your Computer
The Strand Book Store hosts weekly author and artist events, free and open to the public, which is great if you live in New York. But, now, thanks to Strand hooking up with Xanga, you can enjoy their events from home (or work or in the car or cafe).
You can watch the archived events, and chat with other users also watching the video, and you can also watch the events live as they are streamed. During live events, Strand will take online questions (time permitting). Viewers click on the “Questions” tab to post a question. “You can also vote on questions others submitted by clicking on either the plus or minus signs next to their question, depending on whether you feel it’s a good or bad question. The questions with the highest overall scores are listed first and will be asked first.”
Available for viewing now: Richard Bausch, Simon Winchester, Matthew Yglesias, Josh Marshall, Peter Schjeldahl, Lynda Barry, Walter Mosely and many more.
Upcoming events are on the Strand’s calendar.