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New Lit on the Block :: Flash Phantoms

Flash Phantoms is a new online monthly dedicated to publishing the best horror stories of 1000 words or less as well as micro fiction horror of 100 words. They also offer readers a Story of the Month that includes an interview with the writer whose work is selected for this feature.

“Starting a lit mag has always been a goal of mine,” says Editor-in-Chief Laura Shell. “Granted, I didn’t think I’d do this so soon in life, but one day in November, I just decided to go for it.”

Shell is herself a lover of all things horror, who, if she could listen to only one song for the rest of her life, would choose “The Mob Rules” by Black Sabbath. As far as her more literary credentials, Shell has published in numerous magazines and just celebrated the release of her first anthology of horror/paranormal stories, The Canine Collection: Horror Stories Spotlighting Man’s Best Friend, which draws upon her experience as a veterinary assistant.

Joining her at the helm is Assistant Editor Pam Mets, who combines her English degree with her love of all things horror, and Lead Reader Terry Strait, whose horror sensibilities guide the final selections and who advises, “If I can’t picture what you’re selling in my mind, then submit something else.”

For writers, Flash Phantoms accepts submissions through Submittable. “I read them first,” Shell explains, “and decide if a story is worthy enough to be sent to Pam and Terry. If Pam and Terry like the story as well, then I will notify the author that their story will be published. This process usually takes up to two weeks. We do not provide feedback, but I’m considering offering that service for a fee, perhaps later on in the year.”

The resulting selections are then published in an open-access online format, and each story is accompanied by related artwork or photography. Some inaugural contributors include Deborah Sale-Butler, Leah Scott-Kirby, Devin James Leonard, Laura Cody, Daniel Kipps, Kris Green, Rebecca Klassen, Benjamin Sperduto, Lori Green, Kim Moes, Dale L. Sproule, Max Tackett, Chris Scott, David Turnbull, and Hidayat Adams.

Looking forward, Shell hopes to add writer services and create a means to pay writers. For now, the publication hopes to entice more readers who might offer their highest praise: “That Flash Phantoms site is f**king kick ass.”