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Exploration and Recovery: Mental Illness and The Awakenings Review

Deadline: Year-round

The Awakenings Review is an award-winning literary magazine committed to publishing poetry, short stories, nonfiction, art, and photography by writers and poets who write from experience with mental illness in themselves, family members, or friends. Located in the Chicago area but international in scope, our print publication is one of the nation’s leading journals of this genre. We fully acknowledge that mental illness is a troubling, distressing, and painful experience. However, at The Awakenings Review, we want to see works where writers or poets ultimately move in a positive direction from their suffering and distress. We are not looking for works that are angry, alarming, vulgar, or demoralizing. We are currently accepting submissions for our Fall 2024 issue. To learn how to submit, please read our guidelines at www.AwakeningsProject.org.

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