America in the Thirties, John Olszowka, Marnie M. Sullivan, Brian R. Sheridan, Dennis Hickey, Syracuse Univ Press
Better With Age: Your Blueprint for Staying Smart, Strong, and Happy for Life, Robin Porter, SpryPublishing
Claremont Boy: My New Hampshire Roots and the Gift of Memory, Joseph D. Steinfield, Bauhan Publishing
Dispatches from the Drownings: Reporting the Fiction of Nonfiction, B.J. Hollars, Univ of New Mexico Press
Fairness is Overrated: And 51 Other Leadership Principles to Revolutionize Your Workplace, Tim Stevens, Nelson Publishers
Forever Mom: What to Expect When You’re Adopting, Mary Ostyn, Nelson Publishers
I Was Not Born, Julia Cohen, Noemi Press
An Infuriating American: The Incendiary Arts of H.L. Mencken, Hal Crowther, Univ of Iowa Press
Kama Sutra Diaries: Intimate Journeys through Modern India, Sally Howard, Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Leaving the Pink House, Ladette Randolph, Univ of Iowa Press
My Best Friend’s Funeral, Roger W. Thompson, Nelson Publishers
One Man’s Family: Growing Up in Peterborough & Other Stories, Sydney M. Williams, Bauhan Publishing
Regeneration: Spiritual Growth and How It Works, Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedenborg Foundation Press / Chrysalis Books
Slip of the Tongue: Talking About Language, Katie Haegele, Microcosm Publishing
Street Angel, Magie Dominic, Wilfrid Laurier Univ Press
Twenty Poems that Could Save America: And Other Essays, Tony Hoagland, Graywolf Press
The Unbreakable Boy, Scott LeRette with Susy Flory, Nelson Publishers