Afforded Permanence, Liam Day, Aforementioned Press
Alien Abduction, Lewis Warsh, Ugly Duckling Presse
Animal Land: An Allegorical Fable, Leland James, Little Red Tree Publishing
Anything Could Happen: periscope #02, Jana Putrle Srdic, Midsummer Night’s Press
Baby’s on Fire, Liz Prato, Press 53
The Banquet of Donny & Ari: scenes from the opera, Naomi Guttman, Brick Books
The Belle Mar, Katie Bickham, Pleiades Press
Black Cat Bone, John Bunrside, Graywolf Press
Buick City, Sarah Carson, Mayapple Press
Count the Waves, Sandra Beasley, W.W. Norton & Co
Dissection: periscope #03, Care Santos, Midsummer Night’s Press
Falling Landscape, Silvia Curbelo, Anhinga Press
Fanny Says, Nickole Brown, BOA Editions
The Green Ray, Corina Copp, Ugly Duckling Presse
The Grey Islands: Brick Books Classics 2, John Steffler, Brick Books
Heliopause, Heather Christle, Wesleyan Univ Press
In the Circus of You: An Illustrated Novel-in-Poems, Nicelle Davis, Rose Metal Press
Industry of Brief Distraction, Laurie Saurborn Young, Saturnalia Books
Light from a Small Brown Bird, Rich Ives, Bitter Oleander Press
Lost Among the Hours, Alan Britt, Rain Mountain Press
The Lunatic Ball, Margo Taft Stever, Kattywompus Press
The Magnetic Brackets, Jesus Losada, Parlor Press
Many Alarm Clocks: Selections from Sy Safransky’s Notebook, Sy Safransky, Sun Magazine Press
Mendeleev’s Mandala, Jessica Goodfellow, Mayapple Press
Mr. West, Sarah Blake, Wesleyan Univ Press
neighbors, Jay Nebel, Saturnalia Books
The New Sorrow is Less than the Old Sorrow, Jenny Drai, Black Lawrence Press
No Shape Bends the River So Long, Monica Berlin & Beth Marzoni, Parlor Press
One Is None: periscope #01, Kätlin Kaldmaa, Midsummer Night’s Press
Overwinter, Jeremy Pataky, Univ of Alaska Press
Paradise Drive, Rebecca Foust, Press 53
Patient., Bettina Judd, Black Lawrence Press
Pelvis with Distance, Jessica Jacobs, White Pine Press
Perfecta, Patty Seyburn, What Books Press
Plash & Levitation, Adam Tavel, Univ of Chicago Press
Report to the Department of the Interior, Diane Glancy, Univ of New Mexico Press
Roaming Charges, Antony Di Nardo, Brick Books
Split the Crow, Sarah Sousa, Parlor Press
strange theater, John Amen, NYQ Books
Sunshine Wound, L.S. Klatt, Parlor Press
Thirty-One Octets: Incantations and Meditations, Steven Wingate, CW Books
To Some Women I Have Known, Re’Lynn Hansen, White Pine Press
To the Dark Angels, Jared Smith, NYQ Books
Vernal Pool, David Shaddock, White Violet Press
Why We Live in the Dark Ages, Megan Levad, Tavern Books
Wonder Rooms, Allison Funk, Parlor Press
Yes, the Ducks Were Real, Linda Lerner, NYQ Books