Conjure, Rae Armantrout, Wesleyan University Press
Danger Days, Catherine Pierce, Saturnalia Books
Digigram, Barbara Henning, United Artists Books
Earnest, Earnest?, Eleanor Boudreau, University of Pittsburgh Press
Geographic Tongue, Rodney Gomez, Pleiades Press
A Guide to the Perplexed, J.R. Solonche, Serving House Books
Hatchet, Carmen Boullosa, White Pine Press
Last Wishes, Rob Wright, Able Muse Press
Listen, Steven Cramer, MadHat Press
Listener, Samuel Amadon, Solid Objects
Look Alive, Luiza Flynn-Goodlett, Southeast Missouri State University
The Moon Is the Capital of the World, J.R. Solonche, David Robert Books
My Runaway Hourglass, Joanne Jagoda, Poetica Publishing
Poems from the Wilderness, Jack Mayer, Proverse Hong Kong
Some of the Times, Gina Myers, Barrelhouse Books
Theorem, Elizabeth Bradfield & Antonia Contro, Poetry Northwest Editions
Tidal Wave, Dennis H. Lee, Passager Books
Time Being, Oni Buchanan, University of Iowa Press
A Women, Vanessa Roveto, University of Iowa Press
x/ex/exis: poems para la nación / poems for the nation, Raquel Salas Rivera, Bilingual Press