The Bitter Life of Božena Němcová, Kelcey Parker Ervick, Rose Metal Press
Flying Couch, Amy Kurzweil, Catapult
George Oppen: The Words in Action, Richard Swigg, Rowman & Littlefield Pub
The Gilded Chalet: Off-piste in Literary Switzerland, Padraig Rooney, Nicholas Brealey Publishing
The Hero is You: Sharpen Your Focus, Conquer Your Demons, and Become the Writer You Were Born to Be, Kendra Levin, Conari Press
Map Stories: The Art of Discovery, Francisca Matteoli, Octopus Publishing Group/Ilex Press
New Jerusalem, Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedenborg Foundation Press / Chrysalis Books
A Proficiency in Billiards: Reflections on a Well-Traveled Life, Lance Mason, Pint-Size Publications