Five Plots, Erica Trabold, Seneca Review Books
From Hitler’s Germany to Saddam’s Iraq: The Enduring False Promise of Preventive War, Scott A. Silverstone, Rowman & Littlefield Pub
Great Pan is Dead: My Encounters with Coincidence, Eric D. Lehman, Homebound Publications
Here is Where I Walk: Episodes from a Life in the Forest, Leslie Carol Roberts, University of Nevada Press
Hurry Down Sunshine, Michael Greenberg, Other Press
A People’s Guide to Publishing, Joe Biel, Microcosm Publishing
The Perpetual Motion Machine: A Memoir in Essays, Brittany Ackermann, Red Hen Press
This is Your Brain on Depression: Creating Your Path to Getting Better, Faith G. Harper, Microcosm Publishing
This One Will Hurt You, Paul Crenshaw, Ohio State University Press
The Trouble with Men: Reflections on Sex, Love, Marriage, Porn, and Power, David Shields, Ohio State University Press
Unfuck Your Adulting, Faith G. Harper, Microcosm Publishing