The After-Normal: Brief, Alphabetical Essays on a Changing Planet, David Carlin & Nicole Walker, Rose Metal Press
The Archaeology of the Holocaust: Vilna, Rhodes, and Escape Tunnels, Richard A. Freund, Rowman & Littlefield
Democracy and the Next American Economy: Where Prosperity Meets Justice, Henry A. J. Ramos, Arte Publico Press
Dream of the Water Children, Memory and Mourning in the Black Pacific, Fredrick D. Kakinami Cloyd, 2Leaf Press
East Texas Troubles: The Allred Rangers’ Cleanup of San Augustine, Jody Edward Ginn, University of Oklahoma Press
Fatherless: A Memoir, Keith Maillard, West Virginia University Press
Me & Other Writing, Marguerite Duras, Dorothy, a publishing project
Roadside Baseball: The Locations of America’s Baseball Landmarks, Chris Epting, Santa Monica Press
The San Francisco Civic Center: A History of the Design, Controversies, and Realization of a City Beautiful Masterpiece, James W. Haas, University of Nevada Press
Saving Grand Canyon, Dams, Deals, and a Noble Myth, Byron E. Pearson, University of Nevada Press
Spirituality and the Writer: A Personal Inquiry, Thomas Larson, Swallow Press
Toward Antarctica, Elizabeth Bradfield, Red Hen Press
Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song, Ed. Jim Perlman, Ed Folsom, Dan Campion, Holy Cow! Press
Water Connections: What fresh water means to us, what we mean to water, Jim Rousmaniere, Bauhan Publishing