Brainstorm: Detective Stories from the World of Neurology, Suzanne O’Sullivan, Other Press
Claiming the B in LGBT: Illuminating the Bisexual Narrative, Ed. Kate Harrad, Thorntree Press
Clinging to the Iceberg, Ron Hutchinson, Oberon Books
Coming of Age: My Journey to the Eighties, Madeleine May Kunin, Green Writers Press
Fear Icons, Kisha Lewellyn Schlegel, Ohio State University Press
The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Bellevue Literary Press
Kissing the Lobster, Peter Grandbois, Spuyten Duyvil
Night-Blooming Jasmin(n)e: Personal Essays and Poetry, Jasminne Méndez, Arte Publico Press