Beatrice Hastings: The Unsung Masters Series, Ed. Benjamin Johnson & Erika Jo Brown, Pleiades Press
A Bestiary, Lily Hoang, Cleveland State University Poetry Center
The Divine Magnet: Herman Melville’s Letters to Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ed. Mark Niemeyer, Orison Books
Estranger, Erik Anderson, Rescue Press
The Girls in My Town, Angela Morales, Museum New Mexico Press
My Sister’s Mother: A Memoir of War, Exile, and Stalin’s Siberia, Donna Solecka Urbikas, University of Wisconsin Press
Sixty: A Diary of My Sixty-First Year, Ian Brown, The Experiment
Through the Eyes of a Young Physician, Sean Conroy, Open Books Press
To Think of Her Writing Awash in Light, Linda Russo, Subito Press
A Woman on the Edge of Time, Jeremy Gavron, The Experiment