A Brief Alphabet of Torture, Vi Khi Nao, FC2 (Fiction Collective 2)
A Duplicate Daughter, Randy Nelson, Harvard Square Editions
Enfermario, Gabriela Torres Olivares, Les Figues Press
Galahad in the City of Tigers, Louis Phillips, Pleasure Boat Studio
Glory Hole, Stephen Beachy, FC2 (Fiction Collective 2)
The Lemon Jell-O Syndrome, Man Martin, Unbridled Books
Luck, Ed Meek, Tailwinds Press
Maranatha Road, Heather Bell Adams, Vandalia Press
More Than You Think, Cyndi Perkins, Beating Windward Press
Paradise Field: A Novel in Stories, Pamela Ryder, FC2 (Fiction Collective 2)
Salki, Wojciech Nowicki, Open Letter
Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller, Guðbergur Bergsson, Open Letter
The Widow’s Guide to Edible Mushrooms, Chauna Craig, Press 53