- Angel in my Backpack, Rich Grimes (Summerland Publishing)
- The Black Stiletto: Stars & Stripes, Raymond Benson (Oceanview Publishing)
- The Boogie Trapp, Kerry Copeland Smith (Peppertree Press)
- The Brothers, Allen D. Anderson (Langdon Street Press)
- Chasing the Bullet, Tom Holden (Authorhouse)
- Killer Pappas, Harry Rice (Dog Ear Publishing)
- Lost on a Schooner, N. W. Taylor (Ruum Publishing)
- Puppet Shows, Michael Frissore (Writers AMuse Me Publishing)
- Sewing a Friendship 2, Magic In Us, Natalie Tinti (Tintinatie Publishing House)
- The Tamarack Murders: A Bo Tully Mystery, Patrick F. McManus (Skyhorse Publishing)
- The Trouble with Charlie, Merry Jones (Oceanview)
- A View from My Window: Real Stories for Real Women, Sylvia Forrest (Createspace)
- Yesterday’s Echo, Matt Coyle (Oceanview)
- 1963: A Landmark Year in St. Martin, Daniella Jeffry Pilot (Xlibris)
- The Accidental Candidate: The Rise and Fall of Alvin Greene, Corey Hutchins & David Axe (Mcfarland)
- Chris Will, Beatriz Fox (Meant 2 Bea Publications)
- Conan Meets the Academy: Multidisciplinary Essays on the Enduring Barbarian, Ed. Jonas Prida (McFarland)
- The Cooperstown Symposium on Baseball and American Culture, 2011-2012, Ed. William M. Simons (McFarland)
- Cyberpunk Women, Feminism and Science Fiction, Carlen Lavigne (McFarland)
- Dad’s Home Cooking, Zachary Wolinsky & Family (Summerland Publishing)
- Death Comes Not as a Stranger, Lois West Bristow (Summerland Publishing)
- Diversity in Disney Films: Critical Essays on race, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality and Disability, Ed. Johnson Cheu (McFarland)
- Dr. Ruth’s Guide for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver: How to Care for Your Loved One without Getting
- The Encyclopedia of Mental Imagery: 2100 Exercises for Body, Mind and Spirit, Ed. Gerald Epstein & Barbarah L. Fedoroff (ACMI Press)
- How to Publish and Promote Your Book Now!, L. Diane Wolfe (Dancing Lemur Press LLC)
- Overwhelmed…and without Doing It All Yourself, Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer with Pierre A. Lehu (Quill Driver Books)
- Echoes of the Holocaust on the American Musical Stage, Jessica Hillman (Mcfarland)
- Editing Across Media: Content and Process for Print and Online Publication, Ed. Ross F. Collins (McFarland)
- Hands Through Stone: How Clarence Ray Allen Masterminded Murder from Behind Folsom’s Prison Walls, James A. Ardaiz (Craven Street Books)
- The History of New Thought: From Mind Cure to Positive Thinking and the Prosperity Gospel , John S. Haller Jr. (Swedenborg Foundation)
- Interiority Powered: How to Use Your Inner Energies at Work, Hugh Leonard (Deiorse Books)
- Intertextuality in American Drama: Critical Essays on Eugene O’Neill, Susan Glaspell, Thornton Wilder, Arthur Miller, and Other Playwrights, Ed. Drew Eisenhauer & Brenda Murphy
- Kozintsev’s Shakespeare Films: Russian Political Protest in Hamlet and King Lear, Tiffany Ann Conroy Moore (McFarland)
- Love Never Ends: A True Story of a Mother’s Love and Tragic Loss of Her Daughter, Connie Martin & Barry Dundas (Inspiring Voices)
- My Life Made Up: A Life in 24 Stories, Mark Conroy (Self-published)
- Operation Take-Over The Day, A. O. Solomon (AuthorHouse)
- Plays from New River 2, Ed. M.Z. Ribalow (McFarland)
- The Reality of ESP: A Physicists’ Proof of Psychic Abilities, Russell Targ (Quest Books)
- Ronald Reagan in Quotations: A Topical Dictionary, with Sources, of the Presidential Years, Compiled by David B. Frost (McFarland)
- Sex and Manifest Destiny: The Urge that Drove Americans Westward, Martin Naparsteck (McFarland)
- Text & Presentation, 2012, Ed. Graley Herren (McFarland)
- When Baseball Isn’t White, Straight and Male: The Media and Difference in the National Pastime, Lisa Doris Alexander (McFarland)
- Women of the American Circus, 1880 – 1940, Katherine H. Adams and Michael L. Keene (Mcfarland)
- Women of the Resistance: Eight Who Defied the Third Reich, Marc E. Vargo (McFarland)
- Media Coverage: Poet’s View, J. Rosser (PublishAmerica)
- Terrarium, B. Morrison (Cottey House Press)