Bitter Oleander Press

About this Publisher:
The Bitter Oleander is always reading and endeavors to publish imaginative poetry and translations of living poets from every corner of the world.
Contact Information
- Address 1: 4983 Tall Oaks Dr.
- City: Fayetteville
- State/Providence: NY
- Postal Code: 13066-9776
- Phone Number: (315) 637-3047
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Submission/Distribution Information
- Format: Print
- Genres: Poetry
- Simultaneous Submissions: yes
- Email Submissions: no
- Online Submissions: yes (see website)
- Reading Period: 10/1 - 3/31; 5/1 - 6/15
- Response Time: One to Three Months
- Payment: copies
- Contests: yes (see website)
- Year Founded: 1994
- Distributor(s): SPD, Amazon Advantage
Publisher’s description: The Bitter Oleander Press is always reading to find a language uncommitted to the mediocre and the commonplace while being more integrated in the natural world. A language that helps define the same particulars in nature that exist in each of us and which have not been schooled or socialized out of us. Our interest in the highly imaginative, introspective and probing poetry overrides any other poetry we receive.
We take great pleasure in publishing works in translation from any language into English and hold, each year, an open reading period for just such work with no fee between October 1st and March 31st. Our annual Library of Poetry competition (BOPLOPA) takes place between May 1st and June 15th of each year during which we accept for consideration English only manuscripts and awards both $1500 plus publication by BOP.
We have published such notable poets in translation as Joyce Mansour, Alberto Blanco, Jacques Dupin, André du Bouchet, Kristiina Ehin, Hai Zi, Karl Krolow, Eunice Odio, Nora Iuga, Franca Mancinelli and Christine Lavant. And in English, we have featured work by Anthony Seidman, Silvia Scheibli, Alan Britt, Ray Keifetz, Patrick Lawler, Patty Dickson Pieczka, Ye Chun, John Taylor and Duane Locke.