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The Southern Poetry Anthology CFS

Conceived by Series Editor William Wright in 2003, The Southern Poetry Anthology is a projected twelve-to-sixteen volume project celebrating established and emerging poets of the American South, published by Texas Review Press. Inspired by other single-volume anthologies, The Southern Poetry Anthology aspires to provide readers with a documentary-like survey of the best poetry being written in the American South at the present moment.

Currently available are volumes on South Carolina, Mississippi, and Contemporary Appalachia. Forthcoming are volumes on Louisiana and Georgia with plans for Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Arkansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, The Gulf Coast, and a final volume collecting highlights of the series.

Submissions are currently being sought for the sixth volume: Tennessee.

For more information and submission guidelines, contact William Wright: vercimber at hotmail.com or Jesse Graves: gravesj at mail.etsu.edu

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