Alternative Magazines – The NewPages Big List
The NewPages Guide to Alternative Magazines features publications not typically found in local chain bookstores on topics including the arts, nature and ecology, health, human rights, LGBT, and more. Interested in having your publication listed here? Please contact us.
If you are looking for a vetted list to Literary Magazines, we have you covered there as well!
2600 The hacker quarterly
3×3 The first publication devoted entirely to the art of contemporary illustration.
Abilities Our mission is to facilitate the exchange of information, promote accessibility and provide inspiration and opportunities for people with disabilities.
Ability award-winning publication and the leading magazine covering Health, Disability
Acres U.S.A. North America’s largest, oldest magazine serving commercial-scale organic/sustainable farmers, teaching the latest techniques for growing nutritious crops and healthy livestock.
Acoustic Guitar Information, Instruction, Inspiration for Acoustic Guitarists
Adbusters fighting back against the hostile takeover of our psychological, physical and cultural environments by commercial forces.
ADDitude Magazine provides expert advice, strategies, and support for managing ADHD and learning disabilities, offering resources for individuals, parents, and educators to thrive.
Adirondack Life The magazine of the mountains since 1969.
Advocate world’s leading gay news source reporting monthly on news, politics, business, medical issues, fine arts, and entertainment
Aeon digital magazine of arts and culture
African Arts Presents original research and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular African arts and expressive cultures.
Afterimage The journal features unique, high-quality coverage of digital media, film, games, photography, television, video, and visual arts.
Against The Current Bimonthly magazine featuring lively coverage and dialogue on movements for global justice, with special focus on labor rights and union democracy, feminism and antiwar activism.
Alternatives Journal Canada’s national environmental magazine
Amerasia Journal the leading interdisciplinary journal in Asian American Studies
American Art Journal The leading peer-reviewed journal of American art history and related visual culture
American Art Review Chronicles the emergence and growth of American painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture and decorative arts . . . with intelligence, sensitivity, style, authority and historical insight.
American Atheist fighting for the civil liberties of atheists and the total, absolute separation of government and religion
American Book Review reviews fiction, poetry, and literary & cultural criticism.
American Forests American Forests is for people from all walks of life, from rural to urban settings, who share an abiding love for trees and forests.
American Indian Quarterly a forum for diverse voices and perspectives spanning a variety of academic discipline, and one of the dominant journals in American Indian studies
The American Prospect aiming to advance liberal and progressive goals through reporting, analysis, and debate
The American Scholar a quarterly magazine of public affairs, science, history, literature, and culture
American Songwriter A songwriting and music publication founded in 1984, helps millions of music fans and songwriters discover the craft of music with interviews, reviews, features, news, contests, and more.
American Theater Magazine The nation’s only general-circulation magazine devoted to theatre.
Anarchist Studies research into the history, culture, theory and practice of anarchism
Anarcho-Syndicalist Review an independent labor magazine
Anthropocene innovative and often counterintuitive solutions to environmental and development challenges and the in-depth stories about the people and technologies behind those innovations
Antipode A Radical Journal of Geography
Appalachia Appalachia is the longest-running journal of mountaineering and conservation. Each issue delivers inspired writing on mountain exploration and ecology, poetry, and an international climbing review.
Arena (Australia) a publication which has made an impact on political and cultural interpretation and practice over a period of more than thirty years
Art in America The world’s premiere art magazine provides in-depth coverage of the global, and often controversial, art scene.
ASAP Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy
The Atlantic politics, business, foreign affairs, and cultural trends
Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice dedicated to the ongoing growth of knowledge in the field of Women’s and Gender Studies
Audubon For more than 100 years, Audubon has inspired people to enjoy, appreciate and protect the natural world.
Australian Book Review publishes reviews, essays, commentaries, interviews, and new creative writing, and offers prizes and programs to writers
Autostraddle A digital publication and real life community for multiple generations of LGBTQIA+ humans (and their friends). The driving fire behind Autostraddle is building a space for lesbians and queer people to be our entire selves, to be known for the multi-dimensional ways we move in the world.
Aztlan A Journal of Chicano Studies
The Baffler interesting and unexpected left-wing political criticism, cultural analysis, short stories, poems and art
Bakwa Magazine engaging in the politics of art and culture, with an emphasis on Africa and its diaspora
Belt Magazine independent journalism about the Rust Belt
Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice feminist legal publication critically examining the intersection of gender with one or more axis of subordination
Bi Women Quarterly is the oldest bisexual+ women’s publication in the world
Bicycling Top resource for becoming addicted to cycling and taking on the roads with energy and exuberance.
Big Takeover A comprehensive publication covering a diverse range of music genres, including punk, indie, and alternative.
The Black Scholar devoted to the exploration of cultural, political, social, and economic issues affecting black Americans and other peoples of African descent across the world
Bluegrass Unlimited A publication of the Bluegrass Hall of Fame & Museum
Border Crossings Investigates contemporary art and culture through a mix of articles, reviews, interviews and portfolios of drawings and photographs.
Briarpatch Magazine original reporting, insight, and analysis from a grassroots perspective
Broken Pencil dedicated exclusively to exploring independent creative action
Brooklyn Rail an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout NYC and beyond
Buddhadharma Buddhist Wisdom for Our Time
Buddhism Today Aims to be a living document of authentic Buddhist transmission for the lay person and yogi practitioner in the West.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists engaging science leaders, policy makers, and the public on nuclear weapons and disarmament, the changing energy landscape, emerging technologies, and climate change
Business Ethics writing on the fields of ethics, governance, corporate responsibility and socially responsible investing
BUST fierce, funny, and proud to be female
Cabinet A quarterly non-profit cultural magazine based in Brooklyn.
CAMERA devoted to promoting accurate and balanced coverage of Israel and the Middle East
Camera Obscura forum for scholarship and debate on feminism, culture, and media studies
Canadian Dimension for people who want to change the world
Canadian Literature poetry, articles, reviews
Canadian Woman Studies making current writing and research on a wide variety of feminist topics accessible to the largest possible community of women
Capital & Class provides a critique of global capitalism in the Marxist tradition
Capitalism Nature Socialism journal of ecosocialism, encompassing anticapitalist perspectives that are both egalitarian and environmental
The Center for Public Integrity investigative journalism on issues of public concern
Centro Journal leading peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the field of Puerto Rican Studies
Chartist Promotes debate amongst people active in radical politics about the contemporary relevance of democratic socialism across the spectrum of politics, economics, science, philosophy, art, interpersonal relations.
Cineaste Magazine American’s leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema
Cinema Scope expanding the frame on international cinema
City Limits investigative journalism through the prism of NYC to identify urban problems, examine their causes, explore solutions, and equip communities to take action
Civil Rights Law Journal Goal is to provide informative and innovative commentary on a wide variety of issues pertaining to civil rights that contribute to the legal community.
Colorlines daily new site where race matters
Columbia Journal of Gender and Law The spacious home of today’s feminist movement.
Columbia Journalism Review a deliberative mix of reporting, analysis, criticism, and commentary
The Comics Journal covers the comics medium from an arts-first perspective
Commentary America’s premier monthly magazine of pivotal voice and opinion in Amercain intellectual life
A Common Place Each issue of a Common Place magazine brings you: Inspiring stories from around the world; Spectacular photography; Ways you can make a difference.
Commonweal a forum for civil, reasoned debate on the interaction of faith with contemporary politics and culture
Communication Arts The premier source of inspiration for everyone involved in visual communications.
Communities addressing community and sharing new models for society
Conscience Published by Catholics for a Free Choice. Offers in-depth coverage on issues related to reproductive rights, sexuality and gender, feminism, the Religious Right, women’s rights, church/state issues and US politics.
The Contemporary Pacific: A Journal of Island Affairs essays, articles, and reviews providing comprehensive coverage of contemporary developments in the entire Pacific Islands region and the global Pacific diaspora
Contexts Quarterly magazine of cutting-edge social research. We’re the public face of sociology and the chillest mag in town.
The Conversationalist Feminist stories. Global perspectives. Zero BS.
CounterPunch bi-weekly muckraking newsletter
Countryside where homesteaders share a wide variety of experiences and ideas about simple, sustainable, country living
Critical Asian Studies Peer-reviewed journal formerly known as the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars. Features essays, reviews, translations, photo essays, and literature.
Critical Inquiry devoted to the best critical thought in the arts and humanities
Critical Review An Interdisciplinary Journal of Politics and Society
Cultural Critique forum for creative and provocative scholarship in the theoretical humanities and humanistic social sciences
Cultural Survival promoting rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples
Current Affairs Mixes political commentary, cultural critique, and humor from a leftist perspective.
Curve magazine best-selling lesbian magazine, spotlights all that is fresh, funny, exciting, controversial, and cutting-edge
DAME “where women go for the stories people are talking about”
Dilettante Army a journal for visual culture and art writing
Dissent In the pages of Dissent you will find some of the fiercest battles over politics, principles and ideas anywhere on the left today.
Dissident Voice providing hard-hitting, thought-provoking, entertaining news and commentaries on politics and culture, serving as ammunition in struggles for peace and social justice
Dollars & Sense the magazine on economic justice
The Drift a magazine of culture and politics.
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy an interdisciplinary publication devoted to a discussion of gender, sexuality, race, and class in the context of law and public policy.
E – The Environmental Magazine environmental news and green living tips
The Earth Chronicles nonfiction, journalism
Earth First! the voice of the radical environmental movement
Earth Island Journal Earth Island Journal consistently delivers environmental stories that mainstream media often fail to cover.
The Electronic Intifada An independent online news publication focusing on Palestine.
Environment science and policy for sustainable development
Escape into Life pushing the boundaries of visual art and literature
Ethical Consumer (UK) leading alternative consumer organization
FAIR national progressive media watchdog group, challenging corporate media bias and misinformation
Feminism & Psychology Offers an intellectually and politically charged archive of historic and contemporary lines of analysis within feminism and psychology, across continents.
Feminist Review Aims to publish accessible knowledge and timely interventions that build on the work of Black, Indigenous, decolonial, and transnational feminist struggle.
Feminist Studies Feminist Studies, is the oldest continuing scholarly journal in the field of women’s studies published in the U.S., publishes an interdisciplinary body of feminist knowledge.
Fifth Estate an anti-authoritarian magazine of ideas & action
Film Threat film reviews, film festival coverage, exclusive filmmaker interviews, original video content
First of the Month committed to cultivating the power of the powerless
First Things journal of religion, culture, and public life
Foreign Policy A globally-focused magazine that often features articles on the Middle East, particularly in terms of geopolitics and international relations.
Foreword Reviews We discover, curate, critique, and share new indie books.
The Forge An online journal for and by organizers, initially in the US. We’re building a publication and a community for community, labor, movement, digital, and progressive electoral organizers.
The Fortnightly Review the stroke of an oar given in true time
Free Inquiry The Journal of Secular Humanist Ideas
Freedom Socialist For revolutionary feminism, racial justice, and working-class power.
Freethought Today the only freethought newspaper in North America
The Funny Times The Funny Times is a monthly humor newspaper featuring the best of recent cartoons and humor pieces on politics and culture.
GLQ Journal Lesbian And Gay Studies
The Gay & Lesbian Review bimonthly magazine of history, culture, and politics
Gay Parent publication dedicated to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parenting
Geist a Canadian literary magazine of ideas and culture
Greater Good Magazine science-based insights for a meaningful life
Green American Covers emerging ideas and models for creating a just and sustainable society
Green Teacher helps youth educators enhance environmental and global education
GreenMoney Every issue is filled with relevant news featuring top writers from the world of sustainable business, impact investing, renewable energy, organic agriculture, and ethically-made products
Grist independent, irreverent news outlet focusing on the climate, sustainability, and social justice
Harvard Civil Rights-Liberties Law Review the nation’s leading progressive law journal
Harvard Journal Of Law & Gender the nation’s oldest continuously publishing feminist law journal
Hedgehog Review critical reflections on contemporary culture
HerbalGram American Botanical Council’s scientific quarterly journal
High Country News A nonprofit magazine that reports on environmental, social, and political issues in the Western United States.
Hinduism Today A quarterly magazine to inform and inspire Hindus and people interested in Hindu philosophy, culture and practices such as yoga, meditation, vegetarianism and alternative medicine.
The Horn Book Magazine essential for everyone who cares about children’s and young adult literature
The Humanist The Humanist magazine has advanced progressive ideals for over 60 years, applying compassion and reason to the critical social and ethical issues of our time.
Humor Times The news in cartoons, featuring the finest editorial cartoonists from around the country to review the news! Featuring columnists and non-political panels as well.
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy a forum for cutting edge work in feminist philosophy
Hyphen Asian American Unabridged
In These Times In These Times is dedicated to informing and analyzing popular movements for social, environmental and economic justice through independent journalism based on progressive values.
The Independent the leading source of information for independent, grassroots, and activist media-makers, providing inspiration and information for their films and video projects
Index on Censorship repositories of original, challenging, controversial and intelligent writing on free expression issues
Indian Country Today nation’s leading American Indian news source
Industrial Worker Official English-language publication of the Industrial Workers of the World, a worker-led union dedicated to direct action, workplace democracy and industrial unionism.
Intrepid Times publishing narrative travel writing that communicates a strong sense of place, character, and discovery
Iris Award-winning, nationally acclaimed magazine for thinking young women at University of Virginia and beyond.
Jacobin Focused on socialist and leftist political analysis, theory, and culture.
Jewish Currents a progressive, secular voice
Journal of Asian Studies the latest in-depth scholarship on Asia’s past and present
Journal of Lesbian Studies Publishes research on the cultural, historical, and interpersonal impact of the lesbian experience on society, thus giving it a multicultural voice.
Jump Cut A Review of Contemprary Media
JUXTAPOZ art & culture magazine
Korean Quarterly Focuses on the place where identity, creativity and culture intersect. We provide independent and alternative reporting on issues of identity, racism, politics and the arts with many book and film reviews.
Kosmos Journal Online journal for transformational thinking, policy, beauty, and collective wisdom.
Kyoto Journal perspectives from Asia
Labor History Publishes historical studies on labor worldwide, examining issues such as capitalism, labor rights, unionization, collective bargaining and occupational safety.
Labor Notes Covers labor movement news and strategies for organizing workers.
Latin American Perspectives a theoretical and scholarly journal for discussion and debate on the political economy of capitalism, imperialism, and socialism in the Americas.
Left History Features articles by both established and new scholars from a variety of academic disciplines, on topics including race, politics, gender, sexuality, culture, the state, labour, the environment, human rights, theory, and method.
Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers biannual scholarly journal focusing on American women writers between the seventeenth and early twentieth century
Lesbian Connection A free worldwide publication of news and ideas for, by and about lesbians
The Lesbian News nation’s #1 magazine for Lesbians of all colors & viewpoints
LILIPOH A lifestyles magazine for the growing populace known as ‘culture-creatives,’ folks interested in holistic health, well-being, creativity, spirituality, gardening, education, art, and social health.
Lilith independent, Jewish, frankly feminist
The Link Strives to create a deeper appreciation of the culture, history and current events in the Middle East.
Lion’s Roar Provides Buddhist teachings, news, and perspectives so that the understanding and practice of Buddhism flourishes in today’s world.
Literary Review of Canada A one-of-a-kind forum for discussion and debate about books, culture, politics, and ideas.
Living Blues America’s oldest and most authoritative blues magazine
Los Angeles Review of Books A literary and cultural arts magazine with an enduring commitment to the written word.
Magnet Magazine Has covered independent music through artist profiles, critical reviews, in-depth features and bold photography.
Mandala offering authentic Buddhist teachings
Maximum Rocknroll covering the international punk and hardcore underground since 1977.
Mental Floss where knowledge junkies get their fix
Meridians feminism, race, transnationalism
Michigan Journal Of Gender & Law Dedicated to providing a forum for exploring how gender issues (and related issues of race, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, and culture) impact law and society.
Middle East Eye Your eye on the ground. Independent news from the Middle East and North Africa.
Middle East Report Middle East Research and Information Project: Critical Coverage of the Middle East Since 1971
Midwifery Today the heart and science of birth
Minnesota Women’s Press fresh perspective on women’s ideas and issues
Moment Jewish politics, culture, religion
Monthly Review an independent socialist magazine
Mother Earth Living focuses on the joys of gardening and cooking with herbs. Natural home, healthy life.
Mother Earth News the original guide to living wisely
Mother Jones A non-profit, investigative reporting publication dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the spin.
Ms. Magazine The definitive source for ideas, action and information on the struggle for women’s equality.
Musicworks Magazine rare and daring explorations in sound
NACLA Report on the Americas The oldest and most widely read progressive magazine covering Latin America and its relationship with the United States.
The Nation News and analysis on politics and culture from the left. Unconventional Wisdom Since 1865.
National Parks protecting national parks for future generations
National Wildlife Uniting all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world.
The CR: The New Centennial Review devoted to comparative studies of the Americas that suggest possibilities for a different future
The New Criterion a monthly review of the arts and intellectual life
New Internationalist New Internationalist magazine offers sharp analysis and global coverage of today’s most urgent issues. From conflict and migration, to climate change and democracy, we dig that bit deeper to place headline stories in their proper political, social and economic context.
The New Left Review articles, interviews, topical comments and book reviews
New Politics A platform for democratic and anti-authoritarian socialist perspectives, emphasizing socialism as inseparable from democracy, equality, and human rights.
The New Republic a journal of politics and the arts
New Voices the only Jewish and justice-focused magazine by and for college students.
NewPhilosopher Devoted to exploring philosophical ideas from past and present thinkers on ways to live a more fulfilling life.
Next City documents and conceives realistic solutions about how to make cities better
Nonprofit Quarterly envisions a world in which we live in an active democracy whose values are fully grounded in human rights, economic and social justice, racial equity, and thriving communities.
Nuclear Resister Chronicle of anti-nuclear & anti-war civil resistance; info about & support for imprisoned activists
Nutrition Action newsletter for the Center for Science in the Public Interest
OffBeat dedicated to New Orleans and Louisiana music and culture [epub]
Orion Magazine staking out the territory of ecology, the arts, action, and social justice
Out Gay & Lesbian
Pacific Affairs an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Palestine-Israel Journal Published by Middle East Publications, a non-profit organization founded in 1994 by two prominent Palestinian and Israeli journalists.
Parabola PARABOLA is a quarterly journal dedicated to exploring the wisdom and beauty of traditional cultures as they relate to the modern quest for meaning.
Passport Magazine PASSPORT Magazine is America’s #1 gay and lesbian travel magazine. Readers love the magazine’s personal travel reporting and they truly appreciate the most comprehensive resource listings.
Paste signs of life in music, film and culture
Peace Chronicle unites academics, K-12 teachers & grassroots activists to explore alternatives to violence and share visions and strategies for peacebuilding, social justice and social change. [epub]
Peace Magazine peace, nonviolence, international relations, social change [epub]
People’s World Working-class news and opinions since 1923 [epub]
Permaculture Design Authoritative journal containing in-depth articles on eco-regeneration, home garden design and community action.
Poets & Writers Nation’s largest nonprofit organization serving creative writers.
The Point journal of philosophical writing that embodies two convictions: humanistic thinking has relevance for contemporary life; and our lives are full of experiences worth thinking about
PopMatters global culture
Positively Palestine Celebrates Palestinian culture and people all over the globe. It aims to shift perceptions and highlights the often-overlooked facets of Palestinian life
POZ chronicling the AIDS epidemic in the US and overseas
The Progressive The mission of The Progressive is to be a journalistic voice for peace and social justice at home and abroad.
Progressive Populist believes people are more important than corporations
Public Eye navigates the complexities of the Right
Radical History Review on the cutting edge of historical analysis
Radical Philosophy Radical Philosophy is a UK-based journal of socialist and feminist philosophy. The journal appears 6 times a year, featuring major academic articles, a large and diverse reviews section, commentaries and news.
Radical Philosophy Review interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for activist scholars, community activists, and artists to explore concepts central to the humanistic transformation of society.
Radical Teacher A socialist, feminist, and anti-racist journal on the theory and practice of teaching.
Raw Vision World’s only international journal of Outsider Art, the art of “unknown geniuses” who are untrained, unschooled and uninfluenced by the art world.
Reason free minds and free markets
Reasons to be Cheerful aims to inspire us all to be curious about how the world can be better, and to ask ourselves how we can be part of that change.
Religion Watch monitoring trends in contemporary religion
Resources for Gender and Women’s Studies: A Feminist Review reviewing the latest print, electronic, and audiovisual resources for research and teaching women’s studies
Resurgence & Ecologist at the heart of earth, art and spirit
Rethinking Schools the country’s leading grassroots magazine for social and racial justice in education.
The Review of African Political Economy – ROAPE provides radical analysis of trends, issues, and social processes in Africa, adopting a broadly materialist interpretation of change.
RFD a reader-written journal for gay people which focuses on country living and encourages alternative lifestyles.
RubberStampMadness quarterly magazine that has been celebrating rubber stamp arts and crafts since 1980.
SAGE Magazine expanding environmentalism
Scalawag amplifying voices of activists, artists, and writers in critical conversations about the Souths where we love, live, and struggle
Science Fiction Studies publishes articles and book reviews on science fiction, broadly defined.
Shots Magazine photography
Sierra Magazine Magazine of the Sierra Club. Exploring, Enjoying, and Protecting the Planet
Skeptic Magazine examining extraordinary claims, exploring revolutionary ideas, and promoting good science
Skeptical Inquirer tells what the scientific community actually knows about claims of the paranormal
Small Farmer’s Journal Small Farmer’s Journal is an international quarterly serving the future of farming.
Socialism and Democracy the continuing relevance of socialist politics and vision
Stranger’s Guide art, photography, and essays with each issue evoking a single location from a multitude of exciting, new perspectives
Strings magazine for players of bowed stringed instruments
Teachers & Writers Magazine presents a wide range of ideas and approaches, as well as lively explorations of T&W’s mission to celebrate the imagination and create greater equity in and through the literary arts.
Texas Observer biggest little muckraker in Texas
This Magazine Canadian politics, pop culture and the arts
Transition The magazine of Africa and the Diaspora
Tricycle Tricycle: The Buddhist Review is an internationally distributed mainstream quarterly dedicated to exploring the full range of Buddhist activity and its impact on American culture.
Turning the Tide an anti-racist action magazine based in LA
The Vegan Journal for those interested in Vegan Health, Ecology, and Ethics
VegNews up-to-date information on living a compassionate and healthy lifestyle
Visible Magazine a publication committed to making storytelling accessible and inclusive
Waging Nonviolence news, analysis, original reporting about nonviolent activism
The Walrus Canadian general-interest magazine with an international outlook
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs news and analysis from and about the Middle East and U.S. policy in that region
Weekly Humorist The Standard in American Immaturity
Whispering Wind Oldest published magazine on American Indian culture.
Woman’s Art Journal provides peer-reviewed articles and timely book reviews on women in all aspects of the visual arts and the discourses that affect them.
Women’s Studies Quarterly showcases fiction and creative nonfiction, poetry, book reviews, and the visual arts
Workers World a working-class party that fights against capitalism
WorldView A magazine of news and comment about events, people and communities in the less-developed regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the Pacific islands.
Writer’s Chronicle magazine of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs [epub]
Writing on the Edge An interdisciplinary journal that focuses on writing and the teaching of writing.
Yes! invites readers to be part of a global community of change makers
Yoga Journal retreat for Yoga poses, classes, meditation, and life
Z Magazine An independent left monthly magazine
ZEKE Magazine The world explored through photographs, ideas, and words by leading documentary photographers from across the globe