All the Things We Never Knew, Chasing the Chaos of Mental Illness, Sheila Hamilton, Seal Press
Blue Collar Nomad: The Literary Reflections of a Grassroots Pilgrim, Jake Kaida, Nomadic Devotion Books
The City at Three PM: Writing, Reading, and Traveling, Peter LaSalle, Dzanc Books
Cloud Therapy: a book about swimming, Jason Weiss, Talisman House, Pub
Good Trouble: Building a Successful Life and Business with Asperger’s, Joe Biel, Microcosm Publishing
The Great Spring: Writing, Zen, and This Zigzag Life, Natalie Goldberg, Shambhala Publications
An Incredible Talent for Existing: A Writer’s Story, Pamela Jane, Open Books Press
The Making of the American Essay, John D’Agata, Graywolf Press
Once Upon a Yugoslavia: When the American Way Met Tito’s Third Way, Surya Green, New Europe Press
Reinvent Yourself: Essential Tools from a Brooklyn Psychiatrist Who Has Seen It All, Dr. Johnny Lops, Tailwinds Press
Threadbare: Clothes, Sex, & Trafficking, Anne Elizabeth Moore, Microcosm Publishing
Verklempt, Peter Sichrovsky, Doppelhouse Press
Word Citizen: Uncommon Thoughts on Writing, Motherhood, and Life in Jerusalem, KJ Hannah Greenberg, Tailwinds Press