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Postal Rate Hike from Hell – Last Call

From Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director, Council of Literary Magazines and Presses

Dear CLMP Publishers,

We are making a last ditch appeal for horror stories created by the most recent postal rate case. If you would take just a few minutes and outline the problems created by this massive increase, they can be very helpful to our effort. Note that we are looking for stories about how both the PERIODICALS RATE and/or the BULK RATE changes affecting you. There will be parties using your letters representing various aspects of the postal rate hikes, so we want to hear about both.

As I reported previously to you, we are helping the consortium of folks pursuing a Senate Hearing after the Congressional Hearing. The hope is to get the rates revised in a future Rate case.

Please send your letters ASAP to [email protected]. Even a single paragraph letter is helpful. If you have any questions, please contact John Bell ([email protected]), who is coordinating this effort (thanks, John!).

Thanks for your support — it’s not too late for things to change for the better, but we need as much participation as possible for it to happen!


Jeffrey Lependorf, Executive Director
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses / CLMP – 40th Anniversary Year!
Small Press Distribution / SPD
Literary Ventures Fund / LVF
154 Christopher Street
Suite 3C
New York, NY 10014
[email protected]
tel: (212) 741-9110 X14
fax: (212) 741-9112

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