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CFS :: Two Unique Calls for Librarians

1. Seeking Submissions from Practicing Librarians (U.S. and Canada) for The Published Librarian: Successful Professional and Personal Writing (publisher: American Library Association)

Foreword: Bob Blanchard, Adult Services Librarian, Des Plaines Public Library. Contributor to Illinois Library Association Reporter; Thinking Outside the Book: Essays for Innovative Librarians (McFarland, 2008)

Introductory Note: Wayne Jones, Head of Central Technical Services, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Ed., Ontario Library Association, Access; Ed., E-Journals Access and Management (Routledge, 2008)

Contributors need significant publication credits in order to write practical, concise, how-to articles to help the reader. No previously published, simultaneously submitted, co-authored material. Two articles sharing the range of your publishing experiences: 1900-2100 words total; for example, one article could be 1000 words, another 900-1100 words on another topic. Librarians with ethnic backgrounds serving diverse cultures are encouraged. Contributor’s sign an ALA Writer Agreement before publication. Compensation: a complimentary copy, discount on additional copies

Possible topics: marketing, online publishing, where to send reviews, research skills for historical novels, diversity in publication, ideas from students for YA books, using tools like BIP to locate publishers for your books, storytellers turned picture book authors, interviewing, networking, using a technology edge, promoting your books at conferences. Using issues librarians face such as censorship in poetry, essays, memoir, short stories, columns.

The deadline for current cycle of submissions is October 30, 2008.

Please submit 3-4 topic proposals with a 65-70 word bio beginning with your library of employment, highlighting your publications. Place LIBRARIANS/your name on the subject line to: [email protected]

2. Seeking Submissions from Practicing Librarians (U.S.) for Librarians as Community Partners: An Outreach Handbook (publisher: American Library Association)

Foreword: Kathy Barco, READiscover New Mexico: A Tri-Lingual Adventure in Literacy (Sunstone Press, 2007); children’s librarian, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Public Library

Afterword: Edith Campbell, Media Director, Arlington High School, Indianapolis. Indiana Libraries, Viewpoints; http://campbele.wordpress.com

Articles by practicing academic, public, school, special librarians sharing their experiences on how U.S. librarians are not tied to computers inside libraries: how librarians partner, outreach, and market libraries in their communities. Librarians with ethnic backgrounds serving diverse cultures are encouraged.

One article, 1900-2100 words; no co-authors. Practical, concise, how-to contributions are needed.

Possible topics: workshops at senior centers, story hours at community swimming pools, innovative literacy outreach, partnering with artists and writers, creative youth participation, effective advocacy with elected officials, working with the media.

The deadline for current cycle of submissions is October 30, 2008.
Contributor’s sign an ALA Writer Agreement before publication. Compensation: a complimentary copy, discount on additional copies,

Please submit 3 topic proposals (each 3-4 sentences) in descending order of choice–hopefully your first will not have been already taken. Please also send a 65-70 word bio beginning with your library of employment, title, highlights of your community library outreach activities, awards, and related professional contributions. Place PARTNERS/your name on the subject line to: [email protected]


Editor Carol Smallwood, MLS, has written, co-authored, edited 19 books such as Educators as Writers and Thinking Outside the Book: Essays for Innovative Librarians. Her work has appeared in English Journal, Clackamas Literary Review, The Detroit News, and several others including anthologies. Pudding House Publications published her 2008 chapbook.

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